Top 10 Best Rugs For Cat Owners

Ceiling Hang Decorations Expert Zara Patel

Zara Patel

Decor Editor
Last Updated: November 30, 2023

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As a cat owner, you know how much cats love to scratch and knead. It’s an instinctual behavior that helps them stretch their body and mark their territory. While it’s delightful to watch, this feline habit can destroy upholstery, carpeting, and rugs in your home. One solution to consider is investing in “rugs for cat” that are designed to cater to their scratching needs.

Rather than declare your home a scratch free zone, the solution is finding the best rugs for cat friendly that can withstand those sharp claws and excited paws. The right Rugs For Cat textures and materials actually encourage scratching and clawing instead of your furnishings. For those on a budget, there are even fantastic best indoor rugs under $100 that can serve the purpose.

With some clever shopping, you can protect your floors, guide your cats to appropriate scratch zones, and maintain a stylish interior design that you both enjoy. This guide covers everything from understanding cats’ scratching behaviors to choosing durable, enticing Rugs For Cat on your floors and decor, so get ready to save your home’s surfaces while keeping your feline friends happy.

How to Choose the Best Rugs for Your Cats?

To find the ideal cat rug, there are a few traits to evaluate:

Material–Natural fibers like sisal, cotton, seagrass, jute and wool have textures cats prefer over synthetics but make sure the fibers need to resist snagging from claws

Pile Height–Low pile heights under .25 inches are best as long shag and fringed rugs easily snag on claws

Weave–Look for tight weaves without loose threads to pull while flatweaves and loops stand up to scratching

Backing–Nonslip rubber backing helps Rugs For Cat stay in place when scratched while providing traction

Maintenance–Rugs should be highly durable and easy to clean while machine washable is ideal for stain removal

Design–Do you know simple patterns without loose embellishments work best as steer clear of fringes and tassels

Do Test Runs – See how Rugs For Cat hold up claws before committing with the right material, tight weave, and short pile height, rugs can please cats’ scratching instincts without getting shredded in the process.

Why Do Cats Claw and Destroy Rugs?

Rugs For Cat

For cats, scratching behaviors are completely natural but if you really want to know, here are some of the reasons cats feel compelled to claw and destroy rugs:

Marking Territory–Scratching and kneading on objects helps spread cats’ scent from glands in their paws because they are staking claim to their home turf

Sharpening Claws–Clawing motions help shed old layers from their claws to expose sharp new tips like how we file our nails

Stretching–A good scratching session fully extends the body for a satisfying stretch as an invigorating exercise for cats

Stress Relief–Kneading and clawing helps cats relieve anxiety and extra energy which calms them

Enjoying Texture–Cats are drawn to certain textures like sisal, cotton, leather, grass and wool so the right surfaces make scratching pleasurable.

As destructive as it may seem, clawing is a healthy and instinctual behavior for cats which provides appropriate scratch zones like Rugs For Cat that satisfy these needs so they don’t have to target your valuables around the home.

Top 10 Best Rugs For Cat Owners

Ready to protect your home’s interiors and keep your cats content? Here are 10 of the best scratch resistant best rugs for cat owners:

Owning a cat comes with some unique home decor challenges. Scratching, shedding, and accidents can quickly ruin rugs and carpets. Fortunately, there are many rug materials and constructions that can withstand curious cats. Here are the top 10 best rugs for cat owners.

1. Natural Sisal Rugs

Sisal is a natural fiber made from the agave plant and sisal rugs are durable, stain resistant, and easy to clean and the best thing is–the rough texture also appeals to cats who like to scratch.


  • Natural fiber resists staining
  • Rough surface deters scratching
  • Low pile doesn’t trap much dirt/hair
  • Affordable and casual style



scratch resistant

easy to clean


Prone to shedding

fraying over time

2. Berber Rugs

Berber rugs are made from dense, looped wool that withstands heavy foot traffic. Not only do these “rugs for cats” have a short, low-profile pile that hides dirt, hair, and litter tracking, but berber also resists moisture, stains, and is easy to vacuum.


  • Made from sturdy looped wool
  • Low dense pile hides dirt/hair
  • Moisture and stain resistant
  • Easy to clean and vacuum



hides dirt/hair

easy to clean


Prone to shedding

3. Flatweave Cotton Rugs

Flatweave cotton rugs have a smooth, flat surface without any pile because the tight weave is naturally stain resistant and reversible for extended wear, easy to spot clean, and inexpensive.


  • Made from natural cotton
  • Reversible flatweave design
  • Tight weave resists stains/moisture
  • Easy to spot clean
  • Affordable price point


Stain resistant


easy to clean


Can show footprints

vacuum marks

4. Low Pile Rugs

Low pile rugs have a uniform short pile under 1⁄4 inch high with the tight, dense fibers that prevent shedding while hiding dirt and hair and the best part is it comes in various materials like polyester, nylon, wool, and more.


  • Pile under 1⁄4 inch high
  • Tight, dense pile resists shedding
  • Hides litter, dirt, and hair well
  • Available in various materials


Resists shedding

hides dirt/hair



Can show footprints

5. Synthetic Turf Rugs

For cats who love to scratch, synthetic turf rugs mimic grass because the woven pile has a natural feel, but is made from synthetic fibers like nylon or polypropylene for durability. Regular vacuuming keeps them looking fresh.


  • Synthetic fibers mimic natural grass
  • Durable construction withstands scratching
  • Easy to vacuum and refresh
  • Provides designated scratching spot


Withstands scratching

easy to clean

looks natural


Won’t stop cats from scratching other areas

6. Woven Seagrass Rugs

Natural woven seagrass rugs are soft, stain resistant, and biodegradable because seagrass has a subtle color variation that hides dirt, hair, and footprints because it is durable enough for high traffic areas.


  • Made from natural, renewable seagrass
  • Subtle variations hide dirt and stains
  • Soft, woven texture
  • Biodegradable and sustainable


Natural fiber

stain resistant



Prone to shedding

7. Polyester Rugs

For a budget friendly option, polyester rugs are quite durable as they’re densely constructed polyester resists crushing, staining, and shedding so it doesn’t absorb moisture, preventing odors and mildew.


  • Inexpensive material
  • Dense fibers resist shedding, crushing
  • Naturally stain and moisture resistant
  • Large color/pattern selection




stain resistant

variety available


Can look cheap

not biodegradable

8. Nylon Rugs

Known for durability, nylon rugs are abrasion, stain, and moisture resistant as Nylon is one of the strongest synthetic rug fibers, making it a good choice for active households. 


  • Abrasion resistant synthetic fiber
  • Repels stains, moisture, and mildew
  • Available in various textures and patterns
  • Frequent vacuuming prevents matting


vibrant colors

Very durable

stain resistant


Prone to static

can show footprints

9. Frieze Rugs

Frieze rugs have a long, twisted pile that springs back into place with the textured look that hides prints, stains, and dirt which is soft underfoot but dense enough to withstand daily wear.


  • Long twisted pile fibers
  • Bounces back from footprints
  • Textured look hides dirt
  • Soft feel underfoot


Hides dirt/prints

soft pile



Prone to shedding

vacuuming marks

10. Polypropylene Rugs

Polypropylene is a very affordable, colorfast synthetic fiber with good durability which naturally repels moisture, stains, and mildew, however, it can’t withstand heat and should be professionally cleaned.


  • Inexpensive synthetic material
  • Naturally stain and moisture resistant
  • Colorfast and fade resistant
  • Should be professionally cleaned


Very affordable

stain resistant

variety available


Not very heat resistant

needs special cleaning

How To Keep Your Cats from Scratching Your Rugs?

While cat friendly rugs take the brunt of scratching damage, you can further protect your rugs and direct cats to scratch appropriately with these tips:

  • Place enticing scratching posts and cardboard scratchers near rugs to divert attention
  • Try catnip spray on preferred scratching spots to attract cats
  • Use double sided tape on rug edges and folds to discourage scratching
  • Fit rugs with anti scratch mesh underlays to guard fibers below
  • Consider removable rug covers to preserve expensive rugs underneath
  • Sprinkle loose rugs with orange citrus scents or potpourri to deter claws
  • Remove or cover rugs completely until clawing behaviors improve
  • Reward and praise cats for using designated scratching posts
  • Discourage clawing with pet safe sprays or remote correction devices
  • Keep claws neatly trimmed to minimize snagging and damage
  • Apply plastic nail caps as a last resort for chronic scratchers


I know it’s hard to choose the best rug for cat owners as it is not just about aesthetics, but also about creating a comfortable and safe environment for your cats. Alongside rugs tailored for cat behavior, there are also options that cater to different design aesthetics, such as best mid-century rugs. The perfect rug can withstand the occasional clawing, is easy to clean, and doesn’t trap cat hair because they’re a blend of durability, design, and practicality.

Rugs made from materials like sisal, jute, and nylon, or even washable rugs for cats, have proven to be excellent choices due to their durability and ease of cleaning. They can easily withstand your cat’s natural need to scratch and are less likely to trap hair. Moreover, they come in various designs and colors that can complement any home decor, including washable rugs for cats.

However, the choice ultimately depends on your cat’s behavior and your personal preferences. Some cats may prefer softer materials like wool or cotton, while others might be attracted to the rough texture of a sisal rug. Washable rugs for cats also offer a great middle ground. It’s important to observe your cat’s behavior and consider their needs when making a decision.

Remember, a happy cat means a happy home. By investing in a high-quality rug, such as washable rugs for cats, you’re not only enhancing the beauty of your home but also providing a comfortable space for your cat to relax and play. So take your time, do your research, and find that perfect rug, perhaps a washable one for cats, that both you and your cat will love.

Thank you for joining me on this journey through the world of best rugs for cat owners. I hope this blog post, featuring washable rugs for cats, has been informative and helpful in guiding you towards making the best choice for your home and your furry friend.

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